GC Learning Industry Report

Learning Industry Report: Shared Advice

Experts advise collaboration and upskilling

We surveyed a group of the Learning Industry’s top experts and received compelling insights into how people can learn about job roles and start a career in the field.

For this article, we’ll cover their responses to our question about the advice they wish they received when they first started. There are definite trends in their responses, but also some interesting findings.

Many participants mentioned advice relating to collaboration, self-improvement, and staying on top of industry trends. We grouped the responses into several categories: collaboration, upskilling, initiative, flexibility, engagement, and process. Here are some of the responses we feel stood out from the group.


“Set your ego aside and go with the flow.”


“Be humble but remain hungry.”


“Be prepared to adapt and change based on what’s needed.”


“Be curious and keep up with trends and technology.”


“Consulting people with experience is a great place to start.”


“Find a way to balance multiple demands.”

*The above quotes are anonymized and edited for clarity and space.

Do you agree with the above expert advice?

What advice would you share with someone new to the industry?

Let us know. Contact us at info_at_gimmecredit.co or via the form on our Contact page.

We’d love to keep the conversation going.

If you would like a copy of the Learning Industry Report, click here.

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